
2D and 3D shapes

Year 2 have enjoyed learning about the names and properties of 2D and 3D shapes. You can have fun practicing your shape knowledge and skills on the bbc website below:

Symmetry Matching  

Exploring materials in science

We’ve been learning about everyday materials in Science, have a go at the activity and quiz on the BBC bitesize. Good luck :)

The Great Fire of London

Image   Game - The Great Fire of London Help Tom and Jane through six dramatic days as they experience the fire! Follow the story of the fire and play games to battle and escape the flames.

Great Fire of London workshop.

  Year 2 have had a great time learning more about the Great Fire of London this week, thanks to our special visitor. They enjoyed learning about the ‘wattle and daub’  construction technique, which was common in medieval London and contributed to the rapid spread of the Great Fire of London in 1666.   They then enjoyed working in groups to create their own wattle structures using wooden sticks/branches, creating a grid-like pattern. The children enjoyed creating their daub mixtures for the walls and  getting their hands muddy as they coated their structures to create walls.   For their second task, the children investigated materials and after team discussions chose which were best to use to rebuild Thomas Farriner's bakery. The children created fantastic waterproof and windproof bakery’s using suitable materials! They were even thinking about which materials had the best fireproof qualities. Well done, you did a great job Year 2! 

Design and Technology - Making Healthy Wraps


Map Skills
