
Science in Year 2

Year 2 have been enjoying investigating the properties of materials in their science topic and investigating how some materials can change their shapes by squashing, twisting, bending and stretching it. They have also been using important words like stiff, flexible, durable etc and they have been investigating what properties the objects need for their purpose. Well done Year 2. To continue with the amazing progress made why not go on the BBC website and look at ‘Changing the shape of materials’. Here is the link:

Spelling Shed

Year 2 now have access to spelling shed to help them practise their weekly spellings.  Log in to play. Children can also access spelling shed via the spelling shed app. 

Author Visit and World Book Day 2025

As part of our celebration of World Book Day we invited superstar author and illustrator Bethan Woollvin to meet our children in Years 1 and 2. Bethan came in to talk about her books and what life is like for her being an author. She gave the children a sneak peak behind the scenes of her exciting work,shared her favourite childhood books and talked about her own amazing books. She shared her delightful, girl power twist, fairytale of the classic Rapunzel fairytale which we all enjoyed. Bethan proceeded to teach the children all of the secrets of her wonderful illustrations. The children then had the opportunity to try their hand at their own witch illustration which they thoroughly enjoyed. It was an inspirational visit and one which will no doubt inspire the children with their writing going forward. It was so fantastic to see the children dressed as their favourite character from a story yesterday, everyone looked wonderful. During the day we read another book of Bethan Woollvin...

Times Tables Rockstars

Log in to your TTR account to practise your tables! This week, we've been focusing on division by 10, 2, and 5, so you can practise what you've learned. How many coins can you earn?  The top score in Kingfishers is 4,762 and in Sparrows it's 18,583. Well done Lucas and Eesa! 

Have a great half term and continue practicing your times tables. :)

We hope that you all have an enjoyable break. A task for the holidays is to continue having fun on TT Rock Stars to master the times tables and recognising the inverse division facts. E.g, 5 x 6 = 30 so 30 divided by 6 = 5. Why not check out the BBC bitesize link below for times tables songs, videos and quizzes;

Sharing Our Cautionary Tales


Cautionary Tales
